5 Things I Learned From Driving Across The Country (with our baby).

The Atlantic Ocean is now our home. Specifically, York, Maine.

What our journey across the USA taught me.

I (we) love adventures and being outside in gorgeous landscapes. It fills our soul in a way nothing else can. Nature nurtures us EVERY TIME.

1. Traveling with a baby is a blend of so much fun and chaos! It took us a little while to get into the rhythm that worked for all of us. What did work is keeping him on his schedule no matter where we were. I think we all operate better with some from of consistency in our lives. Whether it be workouts, writing, date nights, what time you go to bed or wake up, doing the back end operations of running your business…where ever you stay consistent shows. 

2.  Finding “the perfect” camping or boon-docking spot takes effort and IT IS ALWAYS WORTH IT. My “job” in our family is to research our travels, where we will stay and get to know the area. I love it and it takes time. IT WAS ALWAYS WORTH IT when we got to camp on the most gorgeous mountain lakes, boon-dock next to a river or stay in the coolest Airbnb.

3.  Adventuring with a baby looks different. We did do some hiking is gorgeous places like the Tetons and Sun Valley, ID. Pre-baby we would have hiked much longer hikes to alpine lakes and explored the backcountry. I fell in love with a new kind of adventure of discovering a new place with a baby. Walking neighborhoods, finding healthy food, going to new grocery stores, splash parks, children’s museum, parks, playgrounds and the woods.  I became a pro at finding places that he could run around safely and that where fun for me too (on the days Doug was working non-stop we stayed at Airbnb’s).

4. I am so proud of us for creating our life on our terms. We are living our life in a way that feels best for us. We visited with one of my Aunts who has terminal brain cancer. One of her biggest lessons she had for us as she is faced with death is TO LIFE OUR LIFE IN A WAY THAT FILLS US UP. If you would have asked me 5 years ago when we got married if our life would look the way it does now I couldn’t have imagined it. It is so much better than I could have wrapped my brain around.

5. There is a season for everything. I grew up in New Hampshire and spending the fall living with my parents has been priceless. It has been really nurturing for all of us to have support. It has also been really sacred for me to spend this much time with my parents, and see other family, as I have lived on the west coast for 15 years (Boulder, CO, Santa Barbara, CA & Bend, OR). So, we have seen each other on visits a few times a year. Doing everyday life, sharing dinners, going on family hikes, having Bodhi play in the yard and woods I grew up playing in, going to the dump with my Dad on Saturday morning, going shopping with my Mom, having dates with Doug and just hanging out together is so good.

6. An extra…Make plans and leave room for the unexpected. When we left Bend, OR we put our stuff in storage and thought we would most likely be back late fall. We changed our minds, followed what felt best for us now AND have the ability to do it because we have online businesses. I found us a gorgeous home on the coast of Maine 40 minutes from my parents. Expect miracles. 

Big Love,


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My degree in exercise science led me to a life of physical fitness for myself and my clients. I am a certified strength and conditioning coach, as well as a certified strategic intervention coach, so I speak people. With my huge heart laced with my straight-shooter, tell-it-like-it-is approach, my clients walk away poked and prodded (with love) to success.

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